Monitor lizard pulled from under car

Published date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 14:36:52 +0700

A monitor lizard was caught hiding under a car to escape from the rain in Thailand.
Footage shows officers dragging the 10ft creature out from under the vehicle at a carpark in Saraburi province on July 3.
The shocked driver said he called for help upon finding the massive animal resting under his car.
He said: 'It might have sought refuge under the car because the rain was so heavy.'
Asian water monitor lizards normally live in canals, swamps, sewers and ponds in cities in Thailand. They feed on fish, snakes, frogs and scraps of food left by humans.
The reptiles are aggressive when threatened and have a mildly venomous bite which sometimes carries harmful bacteria. The Godzilla-like reptiles are also a protected species in the country so their population thrives.


Saraburi, Thailand
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 03:15
Rating: News safe
monitor lizard car
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