Wild monitor lizard caught behind kitchen shelves

Published date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 14:27:38 +0700

A wild monitor lizard was caught behind a kitchen cabinet in Thailand.
The seven-foot-long beast sparked panic when it scurried inside the home in Ang Thong province on July 6.
The terrified homeowner, 54, called local reptile expert Ratha Tapianthong and firefighters to dispatch of the unwanted guest.
The team shifted the cabinet and grabbed the lizard squeezed in the narrow gap.
The animal was later released into the wild.
The resident said: 'I heard a strange noise in front of the bathroom while I was taking a shower. At first, I thought it was just a caught, but when I finished and came out, I was surprised to see the large monitor lizard running around.
'I opened a window hoping it would leave through there, but it disappeared from my sight.'
Asian water monitor lizards normally live in canals, swamps, sewers and ponds in cities in Thailand. They feed on fish, snakes, frogs and scraps of food left by humans.
The reptiles are aggressive when threatened and have a mildly venomous bite which sometimes carries harmful bacteria. The Godzilla-like reptiles are also a protected species in the country so their population thrives.


Ang Thong, Thailand
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 02:10
Rating: News safe
monitor lizard kitchen cabinet cupboard
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