Taiwanese tourist mocks Thailand over its chaotic cables spilling onto street

Published date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 16:32:50 +0700

Taiwanese tourist have mocked neighbouring Thailand over the state of its infrastructure - with communication cables spilling onto the street.
The shocked holidaymaker Hung Qi Shun snapped a photo showing the tangled bundle of 'spaghetti wires' drooping onto a pavement in the capital Bangkok.
He said: 'This was in my visit to Thailand. The most domineering wires I have ever seen.'
The post was also featured on Taiwanese newspaper United Daily News, which labelled it a 'wonder of the streets' in Thailand.
Another Taiwanese tourist said: 'I wonder where the government spends all the public funds. They don't seem to spend a lot on keeping the streets clean and safe.'
Crumbling infrastructure and lax road safety pose a threat to the country's lucrative tourism industry. But Thai broadcaster Channel 3 defended the dangerous wires, pointing out that they are telephone lines and not high voltage power cables.
However, they ignored the safety hazards posed to pedestrians and cars as well as the extra weight the cables pile onto concrete supporting posts.
The report said: 'If one power line is damaged, it is quite difficult to repair. Therefore, the problem is solved by using a new power line. As time passes, the power lines become tangled as shown in the picture.'
Bungling city officials have spent two decades discussing the issue but are yet to clean up all the capital's streets by moving the cables underground.
Microsoft founder turned do-gooder Bill Gates even highlighted the issue in 2016, blaming the ' faulty infrastructure' for 'frequent blackouts and power cuts'.
He said: 'I've visited many cities filled with tangled wires such as those in this photo from Thailand, where people have illegally tapped into the grid on their own to get the power they need—at great personal risk.'


Bangkok, Thailand
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 02:43
Rating: News safe
cables wires tangle tourist Taiwanese Thailand
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