LGBT rainbow zebra crossing removed for 'causing motorcycles to crash'

Published date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 18:19:59 +0700

A zebra crossing painted in rainbow colours for Pride Month was returned to normal following several motorcycle accidents in Thailand.
Authorities installed the colourful pattern at a junction in Phuket to celebrate the LGBT festival in June.
However, local drivers complained that the surface was slippery and made the road more accident-prone.
Bungling officials initially installed stickers to warn drivers, but later agreed to restore the zebra crossing to its original colours after four minor motorcycle accidents at the intersection.
Deputy Mayor Prasit Sinsaowaphak said on July 10: 'During the operation, there may be inconvenience in traffic. We apologize for this. Officers will work at night to complete the operation. It will take approximately four days.'
The local government said it will also compensate the motorcycle riders who were injured driving over the zebra crossing.


Phuket, Thailand
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 01:09
Rating: News safe
zebra crossing pedestrian lane stripes paint traffic accidents motorcycle road junction intersection Pride Month LGBT
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