Kind Vietnamese restaurant ower sells food for three pence to hard up locals

Published date: Tue, 21 May 2024 14:38:14 +0700

A kind Vietnamese restaurant owner sells food for a massive discount to struggling locals.
Nguyen Vinh Hung decided to sell the buffet for just 1,000 Vietnamese Dong (0.03 GBP) to residents in the former French protectorate of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Volunteers have been helping the shop cater to their less fortunate customers, who find the meals affordable. They distribute 400-500 portions of rice every month for an hour every morning.
The charitable businessman said: 'I want to sell food in a way that these people can afford, and that alone makes my heart joyful from helping them.
'I would also like to thank the sponsors and everyone who has supported me. Some people trust me with money, and some provide meals, food, and raw materials. I hope this is because everyone supports me.'
Ho Chi Minh was party of the Republic of Vietnam and was supported by the Americans until the Communist Viet Cong of the north conquered the city with the Fall of Saigon in 1975.
Vietnam has struggled to develop in the years since.


Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 02:33
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