Dam collapses amid flash floods in northeast Thailand

Published date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 13:16:53 +0700

A dam collapsed amid flash floods in northeast Thailand.
The structure broke as it exceeded capacity during heavy rains in Chaiyaphum province on July 17.
Footage shows torrents surging from the breach, spilling into nearby fields.
The resulting deluge blocked roads between villages and affected the water supply of more than 1,000 households.
The floods were reported to have affected only low-lying agricultural areas.
Chaiyaphum Governor Anan Nakniyom blamed mountain runoff for the dam burst, and said temporary repairs were underway until the local government can build a more permanent dam.
Authorities assured residents that other reservoirs in the province were not yet at danger of overflowing.
Thailand and neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia are in their annual monsoon rainy season which sees soaring temperatures followed by powerful rain storms in the afternoon leading to widespread flash floods.


Chaiyaphum, Thailand
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 01:21
Rating: News safe
dam flood rain storm monsoon Thailand collapse
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