Mammoth 13ft python slithers into kitchen and kills pet cat

Published date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 15:38:17 +0700

An enormous 13ft python slithered into a resident's kitchen and killed his pet cat in Thailand.
The snake entered the home and tried to eat the feline while taking shelter from the freezing rain in Chachoengsao province early morning on July 26.
The homeowner said he was woken up by a loud clanging in the kitchen, followed by a cat's cries at around 3:30 am.
Thinking it was a burglar, he went to inspect the source of the noise and was horrified to find the beast squeezing one of his cats to death.
He called the Saenphudat Police Station, and officers arrived to remove the snake from the kitchen.
Footage shows snake catchers grabbing the python with a pole while it was coiled under the kitchen sink. They hauled it outside and sealed it inside a sack to be released into the forest.
The relieved resident said: 'I tried to free my cat and called rescuers and the police, but it was too late. The python must have come from the forest near the kitchen.'
The reticulated python is found throughout Southeast Asia, where they live in forests, swamps, canals and even in cities, causing them to come into conflict with humans. The species is one of the world's largest snakes and can eat humans, cats, dogs, birds, rats and other snakes.


Chachoengsao, Thailand
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 03:16
Rating: News safe
snake python cat kitchen
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