Protesters dump sacks of rubbish at mayor's office over 'waste management emergency' in Indonesia

Published date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 12:13:30 +0700

Protesters dumped rubbish bags in front of a mayor's office to slam what they called a waste management emergency in Indonesia.
Members of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) arrived in three pickup trucks and unloaded sacks of household garbage next to Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris's office in West Java on August 11.
Footage shows the protesters, wearing the party's signature red colour, placing the trash in front of the government building.
They said trash collections across the city had been delayed after the main landfill in the Cipayung district collapsed due to overcapacity, leaving residents with no place to dispose of their waste.
Ikravany Hilman, Depok PDI-P executive, said: 'We gave opportunities for local officials to manage Depok city, including the issue of waste management, for 20 years. But the situation is still the same today. That's why we put the garbage there.
'Today, we are symbolically entrusting this garbage to the city government.'
Mayor Idris said an investigation has been launched into the protest, which he claimed could be construed as a 'provocateur offence'.
The official added that a waste processing will be operational in Depok next year to address the garbage problem.


Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 01:16
Rating: News safe
mayor office Depok protest rubbish bags trash garbage
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