Filipino teenagers imitate monkeys at tribal festival to help them grow into men

Published date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 13:19:23 +0700

This bizarre tribal procession sees teenagers imitate monkeys to help them grow up into strong young men.
The annual parade sees hundreds of youngsters from different tribes gather in Mindanao, in the southern Philippines.
Boys have to pull strange faces while waving their arms in the manner of a monkey as they believe it will help them connect spiritually to the force of nature.
'With the energy from the wild they will develop into strong men,' said documentary maker Nikon Celis.
'They'll be assets to their hill tribe communities.'
Footage from the Kaamulan Street Dance was captured in the Bukidnon Province.
The annual gathering of the seven hill tribes who spend most of their time in remote mountains takes place each year.
While historically they have been rival clans, each group has put aside their quarrels and now takes part in fun activities.
Other events include racing on bamboo stilts, human tug-of-war tournaments and painting from soil.
Nikon added: .'This festival has been going on for 42 years and it allows each group to come together and celebrate their tribes.
'The dance is one of the most colourful parts because the children have to imitate monkeys. They believe that this allows them to connect with the spiritual force of nature, which is essential for their well-being in the tribes.
'At other parts of the dance they imitate frogs. The older people are involved, too, and they portray spirits from different folk tales.'


Mindanao del Norte, Philippines
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 01:46
Rating: News safe
tribe parade mountain tribe hill tribe
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