Wacky tribal sports day among mountain people in the Philippines

Published date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 13:21:10 +0700

These are the wacky games that hill tribes play for their annual sports day in the mountains of the Philippines.
The seven different clans converged on the field for the Kaamulan gathering in Bukidnon Province in the south of the country.
They took part in bamboo stilt racing, a human tug-of-war competition and wood chopping with their bare hands.
While womenfolk had races to see who could grind herbs and salt the fastest.
The annual event takes place every year and sees seven hill tribes who used to be rivals come together in colourful scenes.
.Kaamulan comes from a binukid word which means to gather,' said documentary maker Nikon Celis who captured the video.
'These different groups all live separately in the mountains and they would have been rivals in the past.
'For the last 42 years they have been at peace celebrating together their harmonious existence.'
The tribes are the Talaandig, Umayamnon, Higaonon, Manobo, Tigwahanon, Matigsalug, and Daraguyan or Bukidnon tribe.


Bukidnon, Philippines
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 03:10
Rating: News safe
sports day tribe tribal hill tribe mountain tribe
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