Hero schoolboy, 12, rescues more than 100 residents stranded in Myanmar floods

Published date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 15:41:27 +0700

A brave schoolboy saved more than 100 stranded residents from catastrophic floods during a typhoon in Myanmar.
The young Good Samaritan named Paw Myar, 12, became a village hero as he ferried his neighbours across the deluge that swallowed their homes in the Lewe Township of Nay Pyi Taw in early September.
Paw Myar drove the shoddy motorised canoe, capable of fitting around five people, to take the locals to safety during the crisis., which killed at least 830 people across the region and left dozens more missing.
The youngster said he also carried elderly villagers by himself at the height of the flooding.
His efforts have now been recognised with local media praising his heroics and well-wishers even donating a new boat for him to use.
The boy, from Aung Thukha village, said: 'During the rescues, I often had to paddle with my hands when the waves were strong and I also gave a piggyback ride to the elders.
'On September 11 and 12, I rescued many elders and other people by myself, both at night and during the day, and it brought me great joy to see them safe.'
Paw's father, fisherman Min Naing, added: 'My son only attended primary school, as his responsibilities at home prevented him from pursuing further education.
'Now, I plan to enroll my son in school to fulfill his desire for education. He deserves it. Even though I couldn't help, he stepped up and did it. He is skilled at handling boats but struggled on his own and didn't even wear a life jacket. I'm truly delighted by my son's actions.'
Despite lacking formal education, Paw Myar's mechanical know-how proved life-saving during the crisis.
Ngwe Hlaing, 38, who was among those the boy rescued, said that though there were other adults in the village, none could operate the motorboat like Paw Myar.
He said: 'This young boy was the only one who could handle it and came to save us. Not everyone can do what he did. He is truly a hero, despite his young age.'
A Myanmar streamer Gu Gu, from Yangon, has gifted the local hero a brand new motorboat as thanks for his efforts.
Footage shows Paw myar smoothly sailing on a river in his newly painted vessel.
Gu Gu said: 'While some motorboat drivers take advantage of the situation to profit from carrying victims during floods, this young boy helps flood victims without asking for money. He skillfully applied his abilities to benefit his village during tough times and he is truly a kind-hearted boy.'
Local media reported that Nay Pyi Taw was ravaged by severe floods in September, with more than 55,000 acres of farmland destroyed when Typhoon Yagi brought torrential rain to the country.
In neighboring Vietnam, at least 322 people died while in Thailand, 46 were killing. In the Philippines, 21 died and in Laos, 7 and China, four deaths were reported.
The Ministry for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation said heavy rains caused lakes, rivers, and dams to overflow into the paddy fields.
Myanmar and neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia are in their annual monsoon rainy season which sees soaring temperatures followed by powerful rain storms in the afternoon leading to widespread flash floods.


Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar (Burma)
Asia Pacific Press
Duration: 02:32
Rating: News safe
boy villager boat rescue hero Myanmar youngster schoolboy
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